Author: Andreas Jacob

  • Cordobo Green Park 0.93 is here – almost

    The next release of my Cordobo Green Park theme for WordPress ships, apart from many improvements, with a new color schemes options page. Download it now Features overview of Cordobo Green Park: Look & Feel with one click Change the look and feel of your website with one click in the color schemes page. Don’t…

  • Verhört – Jazz Fizz

    “Sänger sucht Gitarrist”, lautete die Anzeige, die Dominik Jäckel (voc.) vor drei Jahren im Internet aufgegeben hat. Sofort meldete sich Daniele Aprile (git.). Die Wahl-Heidelberger spielten seit dem zahlreiche Gigs und es war klar, dass mit einer eigenen Band der nächste Schritt getan werden musste. So gründeten sie 2005 das Duo “Jazz Fizz“. Da die…

  • Multiple IE

    Just in case you are a webdesigner and you need a variety of Internet Explorer Versions on your machine, try Tredosoft’s Multiple IE. It is possible to run Internet Explorer in standalone mode without having to over-write previous versions thanks to Joe Maddalone who came up with a way of achieving that in November 2003.…

  • You use a TOP TEN theme…

    … according to the official WordPress Themeviewer at Thank you for more than 10.000 downloads and your continous usage of Cordobo Green Park. Best regards, Andreas