Green Park

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Cordobo Green Park Template

My first WordPress Themes – neat colors within a fancy atmosphere. Named after one of the Royal Parks of London. GPLed. That means, it’s pure freedom!

The Cordobo Green Park template is BETA. If you find any error don’t hesitate – feedback is always welcome!

7+1 reasons to like love Green Park –
now with widgets support!

  1. Cordobo Green Park loves your WordPress installation. (View online demo)
    The template lives in perfect harmony with WordPress 2.0.x and above but may not be compatible with versions prior to 2.0.
  2. Support for color schemes
  3. WordPress Widgets ready.
    Cordobo Green Park supports sidebar manipulation
  4. 3 columns liquid/fluid design
    Left navigation, content and right sidebar, resizes automagically to the resolution of the visitors screen.
  5. Fully localized
    (available in English and German)
  6. Valid XHTML & CSS
  7. Renders the same way in Firefox 2.0, IE6/7 & Opera 9
    Not yet tested on Safari, Konqueror, etc.
  8. You feel happy because it’s green. And maybe because it’s free!
    Yes, it’s GPL.

The template’s history

I created Cordobo Green Park originally for the german news website DyKy. For four month it was in productive use. After some cigarettes and too much coffee I decided to create a new one. The poor little template (it weighs only 96kB) was jammed between some big backups for another two weeks, until I heard it crying and begging: “Give me my honour back! Clean me up! Shave me! Share me!

What would you have done? Right. Here it is. Ready for a second life in freedom!

Best regards and happy days in your Green Park,


Free to download. Free to use. Free to customize.

Released under the GPL License (What is the GPL?)

Download latest version:

190 responses to “Green Park”

  1. Cordobo

    AWESOME theme. It rocks my world : ) I have changed some of the coloring and such but over all I love it. I do need help making a few more changes..

    First how do I remove the very subtle lines between links onf the nav and side bar? They seperate all of the links, ie Categories, Archives, Blogroll, etc…

    Second, How for the calendar do I remove the H3 BG image, I just want the calendar to be there without a header at the top… also.. do you know if there are other calendards out there? I am not thrilled with the format of this one.

    Third, I cant seem to find the css section that deals with the color of the text in the comment box, the area that says Comment? or the number of comments and the area that list which categorie a specific post is listed in..

    I am still learning CSS and I tried that program you recommened but its still hard to see where the css sections are connected to on the final page…

    oh and one last question, my latest blog has a diffrent text size then the one below it… do you know why? and how i could change it? I perfect the size and font in the latest box.

    Again Thank you SO much for your help. You made a trully great flexable theme!!
    (p.s possible bug, when i activated Daikos Video widget, it makes the middle content section overlap the right side bar… so i just turned it off!


  2. Follow up!

    I someone fixed the Issue with Daikos Video! – And it worked perfectly, since I left the Title area blank it did not created the H3 bg image above, which is perfect visually for me… is there a way on other widgets to dictate if the header graphic is called up? if not, is there a way to manually remove it?

    Thanks again Cordobo, great design

  3. Cordobo

    Alright so I figured out ALOT of the stuff as the result of my sleepless evening last night. There are still a few areas I cant seem to get… so disregard my previous posts.. :) and if you would be so kind as to help with these issues I’d be very grateful!

    1. What is the title for the CSS section that handles the green link hover highlight on the sidebar & nav bar?

    2. Do you know why the 1st post is using one text size and the 2nd another? I prefer the size of the latest post..

    3. I still would like to delete the HS header for the Calendar

    4. How do I ad links that will not be “sub” links, I.E they wont be indented from the category above them… When I ad links in a new catigory (not blogrolls) now it indents them and then indents all of the sub widgets on the right (ie. my online status and the video widget)

    5. I think this is the last issue… how can I increase the amount of space between the bottom of a link list (ie the blogroll) and the beginning on the next widget (i.e Online status notifcation) without increasing the amount of space between each of the individual links?

    6. O.k last one I promise! Is there a way to move the online status bar to the top blue bar, justified to the right, without the H3 BG image, but still the title Text, so it would say Online Status _aim icon_ _yahoo icon__

    Again, thanks so much for your help. I am sure you are a busy man and a donation is ndefinitely on its way to your!


  4. Hi!
    First, let me say how much I love green park. It’s just brilliant. Most other themes I’ve seen leaves me with a feeling that it needs to be edited or tweaked somehow. Not yours.
    Yours is one of the few templates that I feel are ready to run “straight from the box”.

    Anyway, I found a small error. Really small, but annoying if one doesn’t know how to remove it.
    In sidebar.php, you should remove the and >/li> tags in the author information area (pasted below). All this does is to put >> in front of the author headline, and none of the other headlines in the sidebar has that in front of them.

    A little something about you, the author. Nothing lengthy, just an overview.

    As stated, a really small error, but that little >> steals all my attention from the rest of the page if left in place :D

  5. Thank you very much for the nice template. I am using it on my homepage and have received many compliments! The only complaint I have received is that the “already visited links” color is too light and cannot be read easily (which is eventually what your whole sidebar turns as people visit and revisit your site). For some reason I can’t figure out what color that is in the style.css file — can you point me in the right direction?

    Thanks! – Rob

  6. I want to add a shiny stats counter to my website, in which part of the skin files should i put the hml code?