Green Park

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Cordobo Green Park Template

My first WordPress Themes – neat colors within a fancy atmosphere. Named after one of the Royal Parks of London. GPLed. That means, it’s pure freedom!

The Cordobo Green Park template is BETA. If you find any error don’t hesitate – feedback is always welcome!

7+1 reasons to like love Green Park –
now with widgets support!

  1. Cordobo Green Park loves your WordPress installation. (View online demo)
    The template lives in perfect harmony with WordPress 2.0.x and above but may not be compatible with versions prior to 2.0.
  2. Support for color schemes
  3. WordPress Widgets ready.
    Cordobo Green Park supports sidebar manipulation
  4. 3 columns liquid/fluid design
    Left navigation, content and right sidebar, resizes automagically to the resolution of the visitors screen.
  5. Fully localized
    (available in English and German)
  6. Valid XHTML & CSS
  7. Renders the same way in Firefox 2.0, IE6/7 & Opera 9
    Not yet tested on Safari, Konqueror, etc.
  8. You feel happy because it’s green. And maybe because it’s free!
    Yes, it’s GPL.

The template’s history

I created Cordobo Green Park originally for the german news website DyKy. For four month it was in productive use. After some cigarettes and too much coffee I decided to create a new one. The poor little template (it weighs only 96kB) was jammed between some big backups for another two weeks, until I heard it crying and begging: “Give me my honour back! Clean me up! Shave me! Share me!

What would you have done? Right. Here it is. Ready for a second life in freedom!

Best regards and happy days in your Green Park,


Free to download. Free to use. Free to customize.

Released under the GPL License (What is the GPL?)

Download latest version:

190 responses to “Green Park”

  1. Hi Sean,

    thanks for the 1.000.000 $ donation, although it’s not much, but it will help me keep the site up for another month ;)

    Greetings and thanks again,


  2. Hi Andreas,

    Sorry if this double-posts –

    Looks like you’ve had a lot goin’ on since the last time I was here. :)

    I’ve disabled all of my plugins (aside from UTW) and have determined that it’s not a plugin incompatibility issue. I’ve discovered that UTW actually does work… kinda. Go to – you can see that UTW still works, pulling the posts with the “blog-tools” tag, but it breaks the theme for some reason. Now go to (the “pretty” URL, which is set to function properly on my backend) – it just ignores the tag and pulls all posts.

    I don’t know if this is a genuine theme issue or not, but any help you can provide would be much appreciated. :)


  3. Hi Dean,

    I don’t have an explanation for the problem with UTW. Did it work properly with other themes? If you tell me the name and the link to the theme you used before, I can try to figure out the problem.

    Best regards,


  4. Hey man, love the template. I do have a question though and this might be a wordpress thing as it happens on 2 different templates now. I’m trying to insert picture links at the bottom of the “Meta” section and it isn’t working. Heck, I’m even trying to insert a little getfirefox button and it won’t show up. Any ideas?

  5. Hi Andreas,

    Beautiful theme, thank you so much.

    I’d like to use this theme, but i have a problem and that is…

    Where is the single.php template?

    If i try to modify the subpages the main index also gets modified at the same time,
    so i feel stucked and cannot use this amazing looking theme, please help!



  6. congratulations for you nice theme

    I have chosen your design, but I have a small problem, I need another green tonality, exactly the green “C2D014”

    ADVICES??? before the instalation (for change the images)


  7. Hey there!

    Saw you deleted my previous posts.. and I can;t say I blame you as I was working on a different theme. Sorry about that!

    I still am having trouble finding the right place to change the color of the “Leave a Comment” text when viewing a post, and the credits text (not the links) in the footer.

    I’m also thinking about putting an image banner above the header bar! Any advice on the best way to do that.

    Also, Any plans to optimize for WPG2? It’s somthing that I plan on working on sometime this week… but wonderd if you had plans to do so!

    You can check the site! Your theme is back! I swear it!
