Green Park

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Cordobo Green Park Template

My first WordPress Themes – neat colors within a fancy atmosphere. Named after one of the Royal Parks of London. GPLed. That means, it’s pure freedom!

The Cordobo Green Park template is BETA. If you find any error don’t hesitate – feedback is always welcome!

7+1 reasons to like love Green Park –
now with widgets support!

  1. Cordobo Green Park loves your WordPress installation. (View online demo)
    The template lives in perfect harmony with WordPress 2.0.x and above but may not be compatible with versions prior to 2.0.
  2. Support for color schemes
  3. WordPress Widgets ready.
    Cordobo Green Park supports sidebar manipulation
  4. 3 columns liquid/fluid design
    Left navigation, content and right sidebar, resizes automagically to the resolution of the visitors screen.
  5. Fully localized
    (available in English and German)
  6. Valid XHTML & CSS
  7. Renders the same way in Firefox 2.0, IE6/7 & Opera 9
    Not yet tested on Safari, Konqueror, etc.
  8. You feel happy because it’s green. And maybe because it’s free!
    Yes, it’s GPL.

The template’s history

I created Cordobo Green Park originally for the german news website DyKy. For four month it was in productive use. After some cigarettes and too much coffee I decided to create a new one. The poor little template (it weighs only 96kB) was jammed between some big backups for another two weeks, until I heard it crying and begging: “Give me my honour back! Clean me up! Shave me! Share me!

What would you have done? Right. Here it is. Ready for a second life in freedom!

Best regards and happy days in your Green Park,


Free to download. Free to use. Free to customize.

Released under the GPL License (What is the GPL?)

Download latest version:

190 responses to “Green Park”

  1. @ Turi,

    have a look at Jeremy’s site, he completely re-colored the theme into a blue-ish one. You can do that by opening the images from the image folder and color them in your favorite graphic program.



    @ Jeremy,

    I just ran the Akismet SPAM Plugin and accidently deleted your comments. I didn’t deleted them because you changed the theme ;)

    Regarding your questions:
    You should upgrade to Beta 4 from this site (see above). Save the images and the CSS and delete the rest from the folder. Maybe this will do the job for WPG2, but I’m not sure about it.

    The CSS
    Goto “#footer_left_bg p” (footer font color) and “h3” (Leave a comment) in the css file and alter the color to your needs.

    The sidebar: You can use the widgets plugin and add all the fields to the sidebars to the left and to the right. A textbox will do the job for the images on the right side on the fly.

    Greetings to you and your family,


    BTW: Nice pics on your site ;)

  2. Turi,

    I used Photoshop and simply changed the hue using the Image / Adjust / Hue & Saturation (ctrl-u) for all the required images, and uploaded them to my server to replce the original files… then went thru the css and adjusted fonts and such. Not terribly difficult, just time consuming!


    Wow! Designed a killer theme, throwin down some great help, AND dirceting traffic to my site! Andreas.. You rock!

    Anyhoo… I’ll give all that a try tomorrow, and keep you posted!

    Thanks again, for the help, as well as the kind words!


  3. Andreas,

    Love your homepage – thanks for sharing the Cat photo.

    Thanks for sharing your template – I love the professional look. I like having the pages at the top in the latest version.

    Last week, I started having a problem with the home page. The background for the latest post covers up the right side bar. Clicking on a cateogry removes the problem temporarily, but anyone who comes to the homepage at cannot see the right side bar. Any suggestions?

  4. Hi Debra,

    If you write your postings in Word or some similar program you should copy the text to Notepad and then into the WordPress Editor. You have a couple of “font” attributes in the sourcecode e.g. in your postings, could be the problem for the issues.

    BTW: Get the latest Version of Cordobo Green Park on my site, it’s Beta 4, you use Beta 3. Might fix your prob as well. You should delete all files from Beta 3 (except the ones you have altered -> Backup) before you upload Beta 4.



  5. Cordobo,

    Love the template and am using it for an internal (intranet) blog I maintain (that is, it isn’t publicly available). In reviewing some statistics, it looks like this file is being looked for but not found:


    It is referenced in the CSS as:

    #header h1, #header h1 a {
    margin: 0px;
    margin-left: 15px;
    font-size: 1.5em;
    line-height: 47px;
    height: 47px;
    background: transparent url(images/chungo_header_left.png) left bottom;
    text-decoration: none;
    border: none 0px;
    color: #fff;

    Is there an image missing from the distribution or is the CSS reference somehow misnamed?

    Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks!

  6. Hi EGM,

    thanks for the notice, I simply forgot to remove the reference. There’s no more use for the image. Did you use the latest version (Beta 4) from my site (above)? I can’t update the theme right now because of server problems at themeviewer.

    Just replace

    background: transparent url(images/chungo_header_left.png) left bottom;


    background: none;

    I’ll fix that with release Beta 5.

    Thanks for the feedback,


  7. Thanks, Andreas.

    I have deleted Beta 3 and installed Beta 4. Problem is still there. I appreciate the comments about Word – I do use Word. I do copy my posts over into Notepad when I have text only, but don’t when I have hyperlinks because I lose them. Any suggestions there?

    The other thing that confuses me regarding formatting possibly being the reason is that when you click on a cateogry, the post displays properly. If it were the formatting of the post itself, wouldn’t it be more consistent?

    I really do appreciate all your help.


  8. Hey there!

    Thanks for all the Andreas! The site is rockin’n and everything looks soomth between WP and G2.

    Seems the update stripped me of the random image in the right side bar.

    Thanks for pointing me to the proper area to change those straggling fonts.

    All that’s left now is adding an image above the header bar (gladly take any advice you’d have on that!), tweaking the G2 side to match the background a little better, and bringing back the random G2 image block (which I am off to find a widget or plug in for now!)

    Again, you have been more than kind! Tell me how to make a (meger) donation to your cause!


  9. I love this theme, BUT when used in conjunction with the Coppermine Plugin it causes me problems. My images inserted via the plugin are jumping all over the place with this theme installed. I “think” this might be a version of the IE6 “peekaboo” bug happening.

    The plugin inserts images inside a DIV that does a “clear: both;” when closed and I can’t figure out how to fix it.

    Anybody got any ideas?

  10. @ Debra Moorhead:

    The Word-thingy: I don’t know any Copy & Paste solution, where you don’t loose the links. I recommend you to write the text entirely in the WordPress Editor, whether the WYSIWG or the almost-plaintext-editor. It’s as easy as word ;)

    If I click on the category, the inline formatting with font /font is still displayed as Times New Roman. I use Firefox Maybe a different Browser renders it different, but the reason is the font-tag.

    @ Jeremy:

    I’ve noticed you figured out the random image display. Did you find a useful widget?
    I try to find a solution for the image above the header. I saw a website using Cordobo Green Park with some additional pics there. I’ll tell you when I’ll have found it.

    @ Kym:

    as you figured it out, the problem is the css clear: both; the plugin uses. The theme uses clear: both for the footer and I can’t get rid of it because of some “float” rendering issues in IE6.

    I can’t use any of the fixes suggested at
    the theme needs the backgrounds, the fluid width and at least one “position: absolute” in IE. Any ideas?

    Greetings to all of you for the useful feedback, I try to fix the issues within the next releases.
