Try the brand new “Green Park 2” »
Feel free to leave your comments in the Support Posting either in English, German or Spanish.
- Download Cordobo Green Park 0.93 Beta 5 (last updated December 31st, 2008)
- View online demo
My first WordPress Themes – neat colors within a fancy atmosphere. Named after one of the Royal Parks of London. GPLed. That means, it’s pure freedom!
The Cordobo Green Park template is BETA. If you find any error don’t hesitate – feedback is always welcome!
7+1 reasons to like love Green Park –
now with widgets support!
- Cordobo Green Park loves your WordPress installation. (View online demo)
The template lives in perfect harmony with WordPress 2.0.x and above but may not be compatible with versions prior to 2.0. - Support for color schemes
- WordPress Widgets ready.
Cordobo Green Park supports sidebar manipulation - 3 columns liquid/fluid design
Left navigation, content and right sidebar, resizes automagically to the resolution of the visitors screen. - Fully localized
(available in English and German) - Valid XHTML & CSS
- Renders the same way in Firefox 2.0, IE6/7 & Opera 9
Not yet tested on Safari, Konqueror, etc. - You feel happy because it’s green. And maybe because it’s free!
Yes, it’s GPL.
The template’s history
I created Cordobo Green Park originally for the german news website DyKy. For four month it was in productive use. After some cigarettes and too much coffee I decided to create a new one. The poor little template (it weighs only 96kB) was jammed between some big backups for another two weeks, until I heard it crying and begging: “Give me my honour back! Clean me up! Shave me! Share me!”
What would you have done? Right. Here it is. Ready for a second life in freedom!
Best regards and happy days in your Green Park,
Free to download. Free to use. Free to customize.
Released under the GPL License (What is the GPL?)
- Cordobo Green Park 0.9.3 Beta 5 with widget support (English) ~ 80.0kB (December 31st, 2008) XHTML and CSS valid!
190 responses to “Green Park”
Thanks for clueing me in Andreas – I’ll work on it.
@ Jeremy:
Have a look at this site, they used a bigger image for the header. Maybe that’s waht you want:
Andreas… Pleasure to speak with you again. I like the way the site you linked moddified your theme. The colors really jump out! Pink is not my thing but it certianly jumps out!
What I intend to do (hopefully) is add an actual image file… maybe 700px (or so) wide by 200px deep image file… above the existing header bar. I want to keep the bar… just add an image above it. Maybe give it an AUTOpx width, but I am afraid of how that might get distorted. Should be fun to work it out though! You can be certian I’ll keep you abreast of my progress and any issues I bump into!
Regarding the random image in the side bar issue, I did some poking around in some other themes I have that ARE optmized for WPG2 and pluggined in a few differnt codes into the sidebar css, usually… the image would up being too big or woudn’t link to the embeded G2 page.
It was only on experimentaiton that I finally got it to go in a Frankenstien fashion mashing a few bits of code together!
I am slolwy optimizing your theme for WPG2, and that’s actully exciting me! Thining on it, I suppose it;s a testament to how much I like your particular theme, that I would go thrugh the trouble to optimize it for G2, when I already have 3 or 4 others already pre optimized!
I would be glad to share the code with you once I get it and the coresponding G2 Theme files all worked out! After all… it is YOUR theme I am optimizing for G2!
Thanks again for taking the time to take an interest into my meger family based site!
Huh? I just submitted a comment and it didn;t post?
First, sorry if this winds up being a triple post, but seems Firefox G5 didn;t want to porpperly submit my first commetn!
Anyhoo… I dig the colors on the lite you sent me to. I like the way the modded your theme. Pink is not really my thing.. but it certainly jumpos out!
The Random G2 image in the sidebar was an intersitng and fun one to fix. I was poking around in the code for some of the other WPG2 themss Ihave and kept plugging their code into your theme with no luuck.. images would be the wrong size or they wouldn;t link to the embedded G2 page… so I frankencoded something up… mash a few differnet pieces together and finally got it to go! very pleased now!
As far as an image above the header goes.. I am thinking a 700px wide by 200px deep image file above the existing header bar… while keepng the header bar as it exists. Maybe and AUTOpx wide image file… but I am a bit worried about how it would distort along the way… or if it;s even possible! Should be fun trying to find out!
I am slowly optimizing your theme for G2 and would be glad to share the code wiht you once i get yours, and a the corosponding G2 theme done to my satisfaciton! After all It IS your theme I am modifying!
Agian.. thanks for the aewsome theme and taking an interst in helping me get my meger family site looking how I want!
Hey there.
I like the colors on the site you linked there. Nice modification, a little blocky but the colors really pop. Pink isn’t really my thing but it really pops.
I’m looking more to put an actual image, of my girls, above the current header bar. Say 700px wide by 200px deep. Or maybe an AUTO px wide, but i am a little worried about how that might distort in certian browsers. It certainly will be fun trying!
Regarding the random image issue; I actualy wrote that code on my own, based on some experimentation with some bits of code from other WP themes optimized for G2. When I just lifted the code directly, issues with sizes of the image being too big for the side bar, and/or it not linking properly within the embedded G2 galleries, kept popping up. They would link to the normal G2 install. And the image was n4ever centered… just didn’t look like it fit. So after some “franken-coding”, I got it right. I was so excited I put it in both sidebars! For now anyway!
As a result, it dawned on me that I am slowly optimizing your theme for WPG2! If you would like the code after I get it all squared away, including the the coresponding G2 files, I would be more than willing to share! It is YOUR theme after all! I wouldn’t be much use for updating it or anything… but sure would like to share with others who love your theme as I do but want to use it with an embed of G2! Getting the G2 Theme to match shouldn’t be too difficult! Heck, it’s pretty close by default!
I’ll keep you posted. I am really enjoying tweaking your theme!I even have a little idea I am going to keep a secert for now!
Thanks agian for such a great theme, and taking an intrest in my little family website! Your help is greatly appreciated!
@ Jeremy:
Akismet again. This time I had a first look at the comments before I deleted them ;)
About 85 SPAM comments and 3 of yours. Your Browser works properly. It’s just my site which got spammed over night.
Can you give me a few links to themes which have support for G2? As I have more time today, we will arrange the G2 support today for Green Park ;) So maybe we can help other people with the same probs you encountered.
And before I forget – I’ll do my best to add a header section by default you can uncomment in header.php to add your proper images above the header.
The comments section. Click on image to zoom in.
Just an example of some improvements of forthcoming version 0.92.
Hmm, not quite valid XHTML, at least not according to W3: