This independent film by Jamin Winans has a precious visual impact. Watch this trailer and if you have any chance, watch the entire movie (only in one theatre in Denver). Ink, a film about the people who come out at night and give us dreams and nightmares, is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy Action Thriller from filmmaker Jamin…
Twitter Premium Accounts
Guess what? The best thing about the fake announcement for “Twitter Premium Accounts” – apart from the strange specs and the odd product names? It could be and it should be true, because it makes perfect sense. @briggsb, author of the BBspot article
Uninstall “Microsoft .Net Framework Assistent” Firefox add-on
Windows Update comes with a sort of surprise this time for us firefox users. Microsoft .Net Framework 3.5 SP1 installs an extension named “Microsoft .Net Framework Assistant 1.0“. The add-on adds support for “Clickonce” and the ability to report installed .Net versions to the web server. Well, I suppose you neither like Microsofts way to…
Cordobo Reload – a relaunch
This is the first theme I only made for you, my dear blog.