Tag: blog

  • I’m sorry

    I’m sorry. My last conversation with you dates back to 2012. By the time I didn’t know it would be the conversation to stay for four years. I could have known, I hear you say, our last encounter adds two years on top. And I know what you think… He’s coming back, after years, asking…

  • Happy Birthday, Dear Blog

    © 2008 by Andreas Jacob — Reborn, Cordobo wearing Hardbound 2 During the last five years I studied literature and linguistics, worked as webdesigner for an agency, gained a lot of good and some not so good experiences, travelled about 29 thousand miles, made the decision to resign from my job and started to work…

  • Gridlane.com – The rise and fall of Web 2.0 ;)

    Morgen früh bringe ich mein kleines Projekt “DyKy” auf den Marktplatz der schönen Web 2.0 Welt. Mit dem Claim “The rise and fall of web 2.0” schreibe ich (und ein winziges Grüppchen handverlesener Menschen) über deutsche und internationale Startups, (Neu-)Entwicklungen im Web, eBay-Exits und virtuelles Softeis in Second Life. Im Gegensatz zu deutsche-Startups.de erhebe ich…