Quick Tip: Fix Cordova Access-Control-Allow-Origin error
A real lifesaver for cordova and ionic developers when you encounter CORS errors in the browser preview – Goto yourapp/platforms/browser/cordova/node_modules/cordova-serve/src/browser.js and change the chromeArgs line, adding the “–disable-web-security” flag:
Angular QR Code Generator Component
Update: Latest update supports Angular 19 and standalone components. Say hello to my new Angular QR Code module, called angularx-qrcode. It’s not only a drop-in replacement for the no-longer-maintained ng2-qrcode component to generate and display QR Codes, it’s as well heavily optimized for Angular and Ionic. angularx-qrcode supports Angulars Ivy compiler and AOT Compilation (Ahead-of-Time…
Quick Tip: Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Might need to update your Android SDK.
If you try to build your ionic/cordova project running with cordova build –release android and the shell returns the following error Could not find gradle wrapper within Android SDK. Might need to update your Android SDK. the following worked for me: cordova platform remove android cordova platform add android cordova platform update android@6.2.1 cordova build…
Fix Ionic/Cordova App iOS 10 NSCameraUsageDescription Permission
Update 22.09.2017: I wrote a plugin for cordova/ionic which simplifies the process: iOS 10/11 camera permission description plugin I just wanted to share this little finding with you, which I encountered today trying to upload our App update for iOS 10 of “zingoo Partner App” to Testflight. The app got rejected from Testflight because of…