Tag: Theme

  • Cordobo Nuzzz 3 column theme is in the works

    Just to keep you informed, I have more time to dedicate to the Cordobo Nuzzz bussiness theme for WordPress I started developing a couple of month ago. Within the next weeks, I’ll start a public beta testing. I’m working “live” on this WordPress theme at themes.cordobo.com (last updated December 17th, 2006) – a work in…

  • Cordobo Green Park 0.93 is here – almost

    The next release of my Cordobo Green Park theme for WordPress ships, apart from many improvements, with a new color schemes options page. Download it now Features overview of Cordobo Green Park: Look & Feel with one click Change the look and feel of your website with one click in the color schemes page. Don’t…

  • You use a TOP TEN theme…

    … according to the official WordPress Themeviewer at themes.wordpress.net. Thank you for more than 10.000 downloads and your continous usage of Cordobo Green Park. Best regards, Andreas

  • Cordobo Green Park 0.93

    The next release of my Cordobo Green Park theme for WordPress will come with some improvements. Apart from the default lime green you can choose your favorite color scheme on the new options page, e.g. red, blue, gray and orange as well as your preferred language. Feel free to comment either in English, German or…