Pure CSS animated 3D Super Mario Icon

After my latest CSS3 experiment without images (Internet Explorer Pure CSS Logo), a friend suggested to create an animated 3D Super Mario Icon based on the 3D Retro Mario GIF image by Cezkid.

Well, this is the result of two weeks of work – an animated 3D Super Mario Icon built completely in CSS3 without images.

Pure CSS animated 3D Super Mario
A still from Safari 5 with perspective and grids. Hover over the live demo to see this.


Demo: Pure CSS animated 3D Super Mario Icon
Source: Git Repository
Best viewed with Safari 5 & Chrome 9.

Chrome prior Version 9 renders in 2D only due to an older Webkit engine.
Opera 10.6, Firefox 3.6 and IE9 are not supported.

Pure CSS animated 3D Super Mario Icon


Please note that the source code is still a mess. You better not have a look at it ;-)

It’s based on top of my CSS 4D Framework I created therefor and will be released in the next few weeks (when it’s out of alpha).

Featured by

Smashing Magazine
1st webdesigner

37 responses to “Pure CSS animated 3D Super Mario Icon”

  1. Awesome! I really like it, it’s too bad that it only runs 100% on Safari, not all of my friends use Safari, but it’s a great job, congrats!