Update/Upgrade to WP 2.1

Today I updated Cordobo and a couple of websites driven by WordPress with the new WordPress 2.1. #2 of the Anti-Christ-SPAM-PlugIn Akismet was updated as well.

An updated version of 0.92 Beta 11 is available at the themeviewer.

For those of you using 0.93 Beta 4, I’ve updated the sidebar.php

Download new sidebar for Cordobo Green Park 0.94 Beta 4

Rename to sidebar.php and place it in the themes rootfolder.

99 responses to “Update/Upgrade to WP 2.1”

  1. Hello, first of all this is a GREAT theme, I really love it, and am using it on my site now!

    My question is this… Having little experience with CSS styles, I managed to customize the text colors on the theme somewhat to my liking.

    If you take a look at my site however, you will notice that the “topics, recent posts, etc. etc. etc” links all remain grey…

    I really would like to know how to edit those fonts to show up in a different color as I find the gray on gray very difficult to read.

    Thank you in advance for the solution!

  2. Hi i am facing a problem in this website of my friend .


    The site is displaying Adsense ads in Firefox and IE 7 but in IE 6 the Adsense ads are not displayed . Can you please help me in fixing this issue.
    The problem arises on single pages only…..

    Please Look into this matter.

  3. Hi! Have any ideas on how to fix the problems with WP 2.3?

    This is just one of many errors I’m seeing:

    WordPress database error: [Table ‘seanpaune_wrdp1.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
    SELECT cat_ID AS ID, MAX(post_modified) AS last_mod FROM `wp_posts` p LEFT JOIN `wp_post2cat` pc ON p.ID = pc.post_id LEFT JOIN `wp_categories` c ON pc.category_id = c.cat_ID WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ GROUP BY cat_ID

    And I can’t seem to get tags to work either:(

  4. Hallo, ich finde das theme klasse, h?tte aber eine Frage an dich. W?re es m?glich bzw. wie w?re es machbar, beide Sidebars nebeneinander anzeigen zu lassen, also zb. beide auf der rechten Seite.
    Ich habe im Moment ein Theme aber w?rde gerne deines nehmen…
    Gru? Guido

  5. Hi Cordobo,
    Wenn du irgendwann einmal ganz schwer Langeweile hast, w?rd es mich sehr freuen wenn du den Style noch einmal rausbringen k?nntest mit den beiden Sidebars auf der rechten Seite. Leider kenne ich mich mit WordPress noch nicht so gut aus bzw. habe noch keinen Durchblick. Aber wie oben schon gesagt, finde ich den Style genial, er ist sch?n freundlich.

  6. Hello Andreas.

    Can you help me determine why the single pages loose their formatting when using Cordobo Park, but the formatting re-appears when I revert back to the default WP theme?

    For instance, bold, italic, underline all disappear when using Cordobo Park and viewing single pages.

  7. in index.php, I had previously changed the_content() to the_excerpt(), which is when I first started noticing that the html tags were being stripped in my Pages.

    When I changed it back to the_content(), the Pages appeared normally, but the main page reverted to showing full posts, not the excerpts. I want to display the_excerpts() on the main page, and the_content() on individual WP Pages.

    How should I proceed?

  8. cordobo green park 0.9.2 BETA 12
    enth?lt neuere dateien als 0.9.3 BETA 4. warum?
    es handelt sich um die dateien footer.php, style.css, readme. warum ist das so? welches release ist denn nun das neueste?

  9. Hi Andreas,
    on Saturday we finished customizing your Cordobo Green Park theme to provide our blog with a new design. We have changed quite a few things but we really appreciate your brilliant work, as it served as the perfect starting point for olivetalks.

    One error I did find in your theme, so you can correct it for future releases: In the comments.php file, in line 68, you open the divs:

    div class=”comments-nice-bg”

    div class=”comments-nice”

    again for when there are no comments allowed, although they were already open at the beginning of the file. If these two lines are not removed, when a post/page has comments closed, the display of the page gets messed up and the footer appears inside your gray frame.

    Hope you find this useful and you like what has your theme turned into in olivetalks.

    Best regards,