Update/Upgrade to WP 2.1

Today I updated Cordobo and a couple of websites driven by WordPress with the new WordPress 2.1. #2 of the Anti-Christ-SPAM-PlugIn Akismet was updated as well.

An updated version of 0.92 Beta 11 is available at the themeviewer.

For those of you using 0.93 Beta 4, I’ve updated the sidebar.php

Download new sidebar for Cordobo Green Park 0.94 Beta 4

Rename to sidebar.php and place it in the themes rootfolder.

99 responses to “Update/Upgrade to WP 2.1”

  1. I had to reinstall this theme and I lost some of my customizations and I can’t remember how to change them:(

    1. How do I get rid of the “latest.gif” on the newest post? (and is there any way to get rid of the gray background?)

    2. How do I change the color and the font for comments left by readers? I remember it was in a PHP file, but I can’t remember what to look for.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I really like your WordPress theme and I have implemented it on my website.

    I would like to add a banner jpg to the header. Could you tell me how to do this?

  3. Has anyone using Green Park 0.93B4 updated to WordPress 2.5 yet? Is there anything that breaks or changes the theme? I have applied a few customizations to the theme, but they are all simple changes. Thanks in advance.

  4. Tengo un problema con el IE7 (que ya han comentado algunos usuarios aqui mismo) desaparece el contenido al pasar el raton.

    alguna sugerencia ??


  5. Hi – I love the cordobo green theme, I installed it on my wife’s Thai food blog. I have a question – how can I change the font size to make it larger for the pages links at the top? I’d love to increase them about 200% if possible. I’d really love to change their color too if that’s possible. I’m fairly good at jumping into code and making a fix – but scared to start playing around with things since my ISP caches pages here and sometimes changes I make aren’t seen until tomorrow! Makes it tough… life in Thailand! Everything else is easy – so I put up with it. Can someone help? MUCH appreciated! – Vern

  6. Tim,

    I’m using GP 093B4 and upgraded to WP2.5 two weeks ago and had not had any issues. All the plugins I have active, about 20, still work fine.
    Also, I just read Cordobo is working on a new version. That is just GREAT