Theme: Get a first view of Cordobo Red Cedar

Have a look: Cordobo Red Cedar Theme for WordPress

Just a click away!

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9 responses to “Theme: Get a first view of Cordobo Red Cedar”

  1. Hallo Oliver,

    Danke fürs Feedback, deine Seite stand Pate was die Datumsanzeige angeht ;)
    Konqueror zeigt es auch noch etwas “verquer” an und Firefox drückt mir die Sidebar komplett zusammen. Werde mir wohl mal deinen Code genauer ansehen ;)



  2. Hallo again,

    Progressing absolutely in the right direction – let me know!

    Hope a left and right bar is in the pipeline as well as dynamic main menu. Ref the screenshot you’ve posted – that’s what would love to implement…

    Shout it out loud!

  3. Hi Reinar,

    its a different theme called Cordobo Nuzzz – and it’s an alpha version.

    You can download it for testing under the topic “wp-themes”.

    Best regards,


  4. Uber theme. ^_^
    Is “uber” German? I am not sure…
    But your theme is GREAT. I am quite sure.

    Regards from China.