Try the brand new “Green Park 2” »
Feel free to leave your comments in the Support Posting either in English, German or Spanish.
- Download Cordobo Green Park 0.93 Beta 5 (last updated December 31st, 2008)
- View online demo
My first WordPress Themes – neat colors within a fancy atmosphere. Named after one of the Royal Parks of London. GPLed. That means, it’s pure freedom!
The Cordobo Green Park template is BETA. If you find any error don’t hesitate – feedback is always welcome!
7+1 reasons to like love Green Park –
now with widgets support!
- Cordobo Green Park loves your WordPress installation. (View online demo)
The template lives in perfect harmony with WordPress 2.0.x and above but may not be compatible with versions prior to 2.0. - Support for color schemes
- WordPress Widgets ready.
Cordobo Green Park supports sidebar manipulation - 3 columns liquid/fluid design
Left navigation, content and right sidebar, resizes automagically to the resolution of the visitors screen. - Fully localized
(available in English and German) - Valid XHTML & CSS
- Renders the same way in Firefox 2.0, IE6/7 & Opera 9
Not yet tested on Safari, Konqueror, etc. - You feel happy because it’s green. And maybe because it’s free!
Yes, it’s GPL.
The template’s history
I created Cordobo Green Park originally for the german news website DyKy. For four month it was in productive use. After some cigarettes and too much coffee I decided to create a new one. The poor little template (it weighs only 96kB) was jammed between some big backups for another two weeks, until I heard it crying and begging: “Give me my honour back! Clean me up! Shave me! Share me!”
What would you have done? Right. Here it is. Ready for a second life in freedom!
Best regards and happy days in your Green Park,
Free to download. Free to use. Free to customize.
Released under the GPL License (What is the GPL?)
- Cordobo Green Park 0.9.3 Beta 5 with widget support (English) ~ 80.0kB (December 31st, 2008) XHTML and CSS valid!
190 responses to “Green Park”
Hi Andreas,
Thank you for the response to my original post but – what I want to do is 3 things first change the background grey color to a different color or have the ability to use a image file (with a background texture image).
Second I want to be able to change the color of the green bars to a different color in fact I want to use your theme a lot and need to change the color for many different sites.
Third I want to be able to switch colors of (the area in the middle) where text appears so that its black backgrond with white copy. What to create the look to be white on black background reverse of now.
I tried to follow the instruction you sent me but have not managed it what am I doing wrong. I have been learning hugely recently and have mastered both rss and podcasting which I plan to use extensively within this project.
I have up to 10 additional projects where I want to use your theme in different color schemes and as they all plan to be revenue generating I would be interested to discuss a deal to support additional development.
Plus I have a need for a number of plugins that do not appear to be available would you be in terested in working with me to develop them.
Paul Saunders
The Media Geeks (theme not set would like to use yours if colors can be changed) (theme not set yet would use yours if colors can be changed plus need to connect this site to a shopping cart and store suggestions)
Hi Paul,
thanks for your comment and your suggestions. I try to implement a lot of things you mentioned in the next releases, as listed in the todo list above, i.e. the color widgets support etc.
To alter the background just replace the following in style.css:
.entry {
background: #fff;
border: 0px dotted #CDE985;
border-top: 0px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 0px solid #fff;
padding: 15px;
margin: 0px;
background: #F3F3F3 url(images/latest.gif) no-repeat bottom right;
border: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 15px;
margin: 0px;
with this code
.entry {
background: #000; /** Black background **/
color: #fff; /** white font color **/
border: 0px dotted #CDE985;
border-top: 0px solid #fff;
border-bottom: 0px solid #fff;
padding: 15px;
margin: 0px;
background: #000; /** Black background **/
color: #fff; /** white font color **/
border: 1px solid #fff;
padding: 15px;
margin: 0px;
The plugins you mentioned – I’m not so into php and JS that I think I could do that. Sorry.
If you want to support the further development (or my studies ;) ) you’re free to donate via paypal (see about) ;)
Best regards,
Thankx for the code changes but how do I change the rest of the theme to match the switch in the center section?
I would like to have the sidebar the same way
Plus how do I fix the piece at the top of the center section that did not switch to the alternative color scheme
I will plan to see if we can contribute to your studies soon and by the way when will the next version be out with the changes you have described – plus when will you launch your new theme I would like to see it.
Paul Saunders
Hallo und vielen Dank f?r das tolle Theme !
mit meinem letzten Theme hatte ich permanent Probleme – hoffentlich hat sich das mit dem ‘gr?nen Park’ erledigt ;-)
Sieht auf jeden Fall genial aus ! – Umstellung hat ohne Probleme funktioniert.
Noch eine Frage: bei mir zeigt sich im – IE – neben der rechten Navbar, rechter Rand ein wei?er bzw. hellgrauer Balken (FF nicht) – l??t sich das irgendwie beheben ?
Danke nochmals und Gr??e von den Bandscheiben !
… und einige Links sind grau, w?hrend andere gr?n sind (bzw. in der Sidebar hellgrau und dunkelgrau) hat das einen bestimmten Grund (ist das absichtlich ?)
Hi there
Saw your theme and fell in love straight away :D
there is just one thing that I am trying to change but cant seem to get it right …
.. I would really the the theme width to be fixed and not fluid. What do I need to change if I want a fixed width central theme rather than the auto stretch one?
You would be a GOD if you coudl help me :D
Super Theme!!!
kann man irgendwie einstellen, dass wenn links in der sidebar besucht worden sind, dass die dann trotzdem genauso aussehen? w?r echt praktisch
@ Paul Saunders:
Change the CSS class “meta firstpost” and “meta” in your styles.css to your needs. TopStyle Lite is a free WYSIWYG css editor and easy to use.
Open the style.css in TopStyle and start editing, cou can see a live preview at the bottom of the program – and you can easily change the look and feel of the theme.
The next version of Green Park will be available soon – maybe within a week or two. And Nuzzz – I try to integrate in this theme what I’ve learnt from the feedback of you and other users of the Green Park theme, to make it easy to customize with the colours, the sidebars (2 or 3 columns), additional images in header etc. A lot to do ;)
@ Christoph:
freut mich, dass Dir das Theme gef?llt. Das CSS Prob hast Du ja schon in den Griff bekommen, zu dem wei?en Balken im IE hab ich Dir einen Kommentar in Deinem Blog geschrieben (es lag an einem Wort das einfach zu breit f?r die rechte Navigationsleiste war: Schwangerschaftsgymnastik)
@ Simon:
To fix the width of Green Park open the css file and alter the width in
#header, #footer div#content
where it says
width: auto;
to your width. In div#content you must subtract 364px from the width for #footer and #header.
@ Jo:
Ersetze in der CSS-Datei
.links a:visited {
color: #aaa;
.links a:visited {
color: #565D4A;
Dann sollte das so aussehen wie Du es Dir vorstellst.
Best ragards and thanks for your comments and feedback,
Hallo Andreas,
ich habe auf gerade ein WP Blog mit deinem Theme aufgestzt. SOweit sieht es gut aus. Mir ist ein Fehler aufgefallen, der nur zum Tragen kommt, wenn die mittlere Spalte k?rzer ist als die beiden ?u?eren: die l?ngeren Spalten ?berlagern dann den Footer.
Wie kann ich das abstellen?
Hallo Andreas,
ich habe noch ein Problem … die Link Kategorien werden nicht angezeigt. Du verwendest da irgendwie eine andere Funktion als im Standard Skin. Jetzt gibt es nur die Kategorie “Blogroll”.
Hast du eine schnelle Abhilfe im ?rmel?