Cordobo Green Park 0.93

The next release of my Cordobo Green Park theme for WordPress will come with some improvements. Apart from the default lime green you can choose your favorite color scheme on the new options page, e.g. red, blue, gray and orange as well as your preferred language.

Feel free to comment either in English, German or Spanish on the current release 0.92 Beta 10.

To get your copy of the not officially released Cordobo Green Park 0.93 Beta 1, leave a comment.

66 responses to “Cordobo Green Park 0.93”

  1. Hello Andreas.

    I really like your Cordobo Green Park theme and I am using it as well. I only have two issues which you might be able to tell me the solution for.

    1) Posts and image are not properly aligned and husseled.
    2) Forum subjects are not displayed from top of page and I have to scroll down to the bottom of the page.

    I installed the latest version of your theme but both versions have the phenomena. I hope you can help to solve these issues for me.

    I really would like to use continuing your theme. Thank you very much in advance.


  2. @ Marotta1:

    I double-checked your installation with mine in different browsers. I see the merging issue only on your installation.

    @ Nichole:

    I do. Just contact me.
    Right Navigation -> Pages -> Impressum (Imprint)
    Customizations are not free.

    @ Rob:

    I updated Green Park to Beta 5. The images are automatically aligned on the left side what causes the problems. Open the style.css and go to line 47 (within class “.main p img”). Remove “float: left;” and it’ll be fixed.

    The Forum entries look correct to me (aligned left, in IE 6 and Firefox2). Which plugin do you use?

    Best regards,


  3. Hi Andreas,

    Thank you very much for your quick reply, support and solution concerning the ‘floating’ images!

    The forum is working ok, the only thing is that I have to scroll downwards to see the subjects. Not a big issue, it would only be nice if somebody clicks the forum page and see the subjects at once without scrolling.

    I use the latest version of RS Discuss ( If you have a better option for your themes, I can use that.

    Thank you very much again. Because of the looks and flexibility of this three column template, I will continue to use it till the moment it is necessary and I decide to ‘buy’ a personal template. For sure I will then come back to you again.



  4. Hello again,

    Is it allowed to translate the template to Dutch? I do not yet know how to do but if allowed, I will look for information how to do.

    Maybe you can use the translation for other themes as well.


  5. @ Rob:

    I will have a look for your problem with the forums. I hope it’s just a incompatibility and nothing grave.

    You are allowed to change the look and feel and whatever you can do, as long as you follow the GPL licence ;) You can do almost everything with this theme, that’s why I used this licence. Including translations. Do you want to provide a dutch translation for the next mayor update to 0.93?

    Best regrads,


    @ Marotta1:
    As soon as I have the time today I will have a deeper look, ok ;) We will find a suitable solution for you.

    Best regards,


  6. Hello Andreas.
    First, i would like to thanks you for this exellent theme, it’s exactly what i was searching for. Easy to customise (for a newb like me..), 2 sidebars that work with the wp original widget manager plugin, etc ..
    Anyway, i dont have some particular problem’s, but i would like to change something, and after some hour of work, i cant solve this. I will try to explain this with my poor english.
    So, in each sidebar, i would like to add a space between each block/plugin, because, for exemple, with my “XBOX Live” plugin, you will see that there is no space between it and the next block/plugin. You can take a look at what i’m saying here :

    I hope you will understand me, anyway, thanks again for your work !

  7. Andreas,

    Thank you for looking in to the forum issue.

    Concerning the translation for version 0.93, yes I want to provide the Dutch translation. I think this will be good for my experience.

    I don’t know the most efficient way, but please inform me how you want to deal with this. If you want, you can contact me by e-mail.


  8. Andreas,

    I know your using a fluid design but in some version of ie the righ colunm disappeard underneath the main content area. Also for small monitors the content area becomes too small. I’m no CSS or webdesignguru so is there a fix for this like setting a min-width for the main content area.
