Cordobo Green Park 0.93 Beta 3

Some kind of christmas present for you ;)

Currently its not possible to upload my theme to the themeviewer, grab your copy of 0.93 Beta 3 here:


Cordobo Green Park 0.93 Beta 3

Merry Christmas!

13 responses to “Cordobo Green Park 0.93 Beta 3”

  1. Thanks and merry xmas. I note that Green Park does not play nice with IE and Alex King’s Share This plug-in. Please could you take a look? I have it installed on my blog; look for the “Share” link add the end of each post.

  2. Fantastic! Thankyou SO much for this update, I’ve been wanting different colours and for the comments to show a number, wonderful stuff!

  3. […] Euch fällt vielleicht auf, dass sich mein Theme verändert hat. Das hat mit dem Update des tollen Cordobo Green Park Themes für WordPress zu tun. Am 23.12 ist nämlich die Version 0.93 Beta 3 erschienen, mit welcher man nun die Auswahl zwischen mehreren Farbvarianten hat. Das Anpassen des Themes auf die Deutsche Sprache ging mit Hilfe von TextMate doch relativ einfach. Solltet ihr irgendwo noch etwas auf Englisch finden, bitte ich euch, es einfach zu posten. Danke! […]

  4. Excellent theme! and I’m sure you’ll improve it in the future (I understand that it’s still in beta). Few observation and suggestions:

    Similar to emre, I’ve also noted that it doesn’t go well with IE7. Also it would be nice if the grey bar after the header, that displays “Home” and “Pages” would wrap nicely when you have more pages (e.g 20+ pages display nicely in 2 lines instead of one long line).

  5. Hi! I love your theme, especially with the color options. However, it doesn’t seem to play nice with IE6 and the Flickr Photo plug-in. See and — images don’t display for some reason, and they display just fine in other themes. Of course I don’t want to use other themes, I want to use yours!

    Also sometimes when I click in the navigation a lot IE crashes with a message about “pure virtual function call.” Any idea what that’s about?


  6. Great theme – thanks. Have just tried the new beta and have a problem with the first post on the main index page – it’s there, but only shows when the mouse rolls over it. Also in IE7 at least there’s still a general bug with the RSS feeds under the “meta” menu – not your problem I know but until it is fixed it may be worth hard coding that bit into the sidebar??

    Many thanks again