Cordobo Green Park 2 Beta 8

Cordobo Green Park 2 Beta 8 Download

After a long wait… The stable release of Green Park 2 Beta 8 is available for download, including the following improvements:

  • Full WordPress 3.5.x support
  • HTML5 & CSS3 enhancements
  • WordPress 3 comment_form fixes
  • SEO: Breadcrumbs for Google SERPs
  • WordPress menu support
  • 25% less HTTP requests
  • Fully tested against the theme optimizer
  • Comes with localizations for 16 languages
  • Removal of Internet Explorer 6 support – Kind of a feature…
  • One of the (if not ‘the’) fastest WordPress themes

Test-drive the Green Park 2 theme:

Like it?

Great :) Then don’t forget to leave your feedback in the comments! And if you’d like to show even more love for the theme, I’d be delighted to get a fresh brewed delicious coffee – mmmm delicious :)

BTW: Thanks for waiting and supporting the development of CGP2 for so long!

17 responses to “Cordobo Green Park 2 Beta 8”

  1. Many thanks for developing Green Park 2! Two minor quirks I’d like to ask about:

    a) Could you please change “Subscribe to my blogs feed” to “Subscribe to my blog’s feed”? I find myself doing this every time I reinstall.

    b) With Beta 8, there’s a formatting conflict with the WP-reCAPTCHA plugin: the reCAPTCHA form ends up getting cut off on the right side of the comment pane.

  2. I am experiencing a formatting issue with the sidebar 3 and sidebar 4 when I use the custom menu. Look at www_OhioDivorceAttorney_com The headings to the custom menus are “filling in” any empty space in the lists above it. I know this because I added “xxxxx yyyy” to the “Mediation” menu item (one of the shorter menu names) to make it longer, and it pushed the next Menu title “Post-Decree” down to where it belonged. There are still other ones there that are not formatting right for you to see the problem (like “Family Law” and “Get Help”.

  3. Hello,
    I use the latest release of Greenpark 2 and have a problem with the twitter widget. It is not displaying my tweets since month. I changed the twitter feed url to but it doesn’t work. I would be glad if you could help me.

    @Mary Johnson: have you installed the “twitter for wordpress” plugin?

  4. Dear Andreas,
    nice and clean theme! :)

    Is it allowed to remove the link to your website in the footer?
    Do I have to make a donation fot that?

    Thanks and best regards
    Oli :)

    • Hi Oli,

      sure, you’re allowed to do whatever you want with the theme, it’s released under the GPL licence – there’s no need for donations although they are appreciated :)

  5. I couldn’t wait and was able to fix it myself. Here is the solution so you can update your code. Basically, you needed a “clearfix” to force a new line. Update functions.php for the code for all sidebars as follows:

    ‘before_widget’ => ”,
    ‘after_widget’ => ”,
    ‘before_title’ => ”,
    ‘after_title’ => ”,
    ‘name’ => ‘4’

  6. I just added a home page to make my static index page. When I made a menu two home pages show up? why? and how do I get rid of one? in my pages., only one home page shows up and I deleted the menu… however I still have TWO home pages on the menu?