Freiraum – Paperwall 2 – Free wordpress theme

Freiraum - Cordobo Paperwall 2 theme for wordpress

Cordobo “Freiraum” (Paperwall 2)

This is Freiraum – Paperwall 2, a new wordpress theme (based on sandbox) in demo mode. You can download this theme right after the click. Keep in mind, it’s a preview, not even an alpha!

Minimum Requirements

  • WordPress 2.5
  • An actual browser like Firefox 2, Opera 8, Safari 3 or Internet Explorer 7 (IE 6 is not supported yet!)
  • Some feedback for me ;)

Known Issues

  • Unformatted pingbacks/trackbacks in the replies section of every post Updated: June 1st, 2008
  • SignIn ajax button does not work properly
  • Unformatted archives/categories pages
  • Unformatted lists (like this one)
  • Footer gets separated from content on short articles
  • Pages are not centered correctly
  • No IE6 support yet


Freiraum – Paperwall 2 (Please do not link this file directly. Thanks!)


Cordobo Freiraum – Paperwall 2 is based on the excellent Sandbox Theme by Andy Skelton & Scott Allan Wallick. Thank you guys!

10 responses to “Freiraum – Paperwall 2 – Free wordpress theme”

  1. This theme was excellent, but there are still some bugs …
    When we press on SingIn we can not close the window open. I use Firefox .

  2. Hi,
    I tried to used this theme with wordpress 2.8 but it failed. I copied the sandbox directory in my /wp-content/theme/ directory but i don’t see the theme in the wordpress admin page :-(
    Could you help plz ?