Update: Latest update supports Angular 19 and standalone components.
Say hello to my new Angular QR Code module, called angularx-qrcode. It’s not only a drop-in replacement for the no-longer-maintained ng2-qrcode
component to generate and display QR Codes, it’s as well heavily optimized for Angular and Ionic.
angularx-qrcode supports Angulars Ivy compiler and AOT Compilation (Ahead-of-Time Compilation), which results in significant faster rendering. It’s as well available as webpack’ed common.js and es2015-module and open-sourced under the MIT licence.
Install angularx-qrcode
npm install angularx-qrcode --save
yarn add angularx-qrcode
Basic Usage
Import the module and add it to your imports section in your main AppModule (file: app.module.ts)
// all your imports import { QRCodeModule } from 'angularx-qrcode'; @NgModule({ declarations: [ AppComponent ], imports: [ QRCodeModule ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { }
Examples: How to use angularx-qrcode
Example App
The source code for an Angular 18 sample app with a working implementation of angularx-qrcode is available on projects/demo-app.
A sample app for older versions is available on github.com/Cordobo/angularx-qrcode-sample-app.
Demo App
See working online demo of Angular QR Code Generator
Generate a QR Code from a string (directive only)
Now that our Angular/Ionic app knows about our new QR Code module, we can invoke it in our template with a directive. If we use a simple text-string, we need no additional code in our controller class:
<qrcode [qrdata]="'Your QR code data string'" [size]="256" [level]="'M'"></qrcode>
Create a QR Code from a variable in your controller class
In addition to our
export class QRCodeComponent { public angularxQrCode: string = null; constructor () { // assign a value this.myAngularxQrCode = 'Your QR code data string'; } }
<qrcode [qrdata]="myAngularxQrCode" [size]="256" [level]="'M'"></qrcode>
The entire parameters-list can be found on it’s github page.
Contribute or send in your issues
Let me know if you have any issues or fork and contribute to angularx-qrcode on the github repository github.com/Cordobo/angularx-qrcode.