Cordobo Green Park 2 Alpha 7

I updated my WordPress theme Green Park 2 to Alpha 7 (the theme you’re looking at), with a lot of improvements to the codebase and full support for IE6 incorporated. Cordobo Green Park 2 is a simple & elegant light-weight theme for WordPress with a clean typography, built with seo and page-rendering optimizations in mind.

The theme is released as “ALPHA”, to let you know I’m still adding features and improvements. So please feel free and report any bug you may encounter in the comments section below.


  • Fully compatible with WordPress 2.7.1 and up
  • Support for WordPress widgets
  • Light-weight: optimized CSS for really fast cross-browser rendering, less graphics (Grade “A” in YSlow)
  • Fast: the minimum set of SQL queries
  • Findability: SEO optimizations for humans and search-engines
  • Accessible: clean and structured code for screen-readers and “jump links” for navigation
  • A very clean typography for advanced readability
  • Use of css sprites for images for even less http-requests
  • Built-In Simple-Twitter Plugin support
  • Built-In Sitepagination-Plugin support

Download Green Park 2 Alpha 7

25 responses to “Cordobo Green Park 2 Alpha 7”

  1. Phil,

    the date issue is fixed in Beta 2, coming out next week.

    Regarding the horizontal menu – until now there is no feature planned to select specific pages to display in the header.

  2. hi,,, i want to ask to you about the categories… yesterday, i visited the indonesian blog at that also used your theme. but, in his site, i saw the categories are under the page list…. so, how to make it… is it used the plugin… if it right,, what is name of that plugin.. thank before..

  3. Hi,

    I seem to be having trouble uploading an image above the ribbon on my site using this theme.

    The image I’m using fits in the space but keeps finding itself behind the green ribbon. I’m following the logo set up instructions but still can’t get it. Is there something I’m missing here?

  4. it would be great if you send me an invite. I would love to receive one. Thanks a lot!