Cordobo Green Park 2 Beta 5

Cordobo Green Park 2 Beta 5 Download

Late last month I released Green Park 2 Beta 4 with a small support for i18n — thanks to a lot of people with a lot more eyes than I have, I could fix around 15 smaller issues, two bugs and I got a lot of feedback regarding the i18n of the theme. Thanks to the community, we have support for the following languages:

  1. Chinese by wxzbb
  2. English (default) by me
  3. French by Julien
  4. German by Andreas Jacob
  5. Polish by Tosiek
  6. Spanish (castellano) by José Manuel Mao
  7. Swedish by Jon Klarström

I’d love to see your language here as well ;-) Please check this posting: Green Park 2 – for translators

Green Park 2 Beta 5 is available for download

So it’s time to release Green Park 2 Beta 5 into the wild. The download is now available:

Download Green Park 2 Beta 5 | Demo (Changelog)

Like it? Buy me a cup of coffee ;)

As you might know, coders love coffee — and I need a lot. If you like my free themes, feel free to send me 1$ for a coffee.

143 responses to “Cordobo Green Park 2 Beta 5”

  1. Hallo Andreas und vielen herzlichen Dank für dein cooles Theme. Ich habe die Sidebar von 320px auf 200px kleiner gemacht. Allerdings finde ich nicht heraus, wie ich nun den Contentbereich vergrössern kann. Vielen Dank für dein Hilfe!

  2. Hi Andreas,
    How can I add a photo of mine into the “Sidebar Box”?
    (step by step, please).

    How can I add an image or an ad into the sidebar?

    I thank you in advance.
    Giovanni Volpe

  3. moin moin
    Wie kann ich die schriftart im content bereich ändern ? oder wo finde ich den eintrag ^^ (kenne mich mich mit sowas nicht grad aus)

  4. Green Park 2 WordPress theme at
    First off, thank you for helping to create this WordPress theme. It is so much better than I could do.

    This thing is really buggy and it is driving me crazy. Could you fix it?

    It has a very limited font menu. I prefer Tahoma 16 and bigger. Sometimes I use Times New Roman for headlines. I found a way to copy and paste from my Apple Mac text edit program, but it doesn’t always work. Every time I change something in the text (after the original publishing) the font color changes back to gray and often a paragraph or two will change their fonts!

    I absolutely hate that the default font is gray. I want it to be black and keep it at black. I’m finding that I must return to the editing to change the font color back to black even after successfully publishing it in black.

    I cannot cut something out that has automatically changed and fix it by pasting the correct text and font in its place. The WordPress theme just changes it back to its previous incorrect font. To fix the problem I must put the cursor against the last correct font (and color) and retype the text in order to correct it. Then I must put the cursor back to the beginning of the new corrected text and hit enter in order to space the paragraphs properly. After doing that I must delete the incorrect section by using the backspace button/delete key (Mac) one character at a time to remove it. Otherwise the newly typed in text will revert to the incorrect WordPress font and color.

    Often the paragraph spacing will not stay as I set it. The previews show too many carriage returns or not enough. When I try changing them sometimes it doesn’t work the first time.

    I can’t change the returns consistently by backspacing from the lower paragraph. I must put the cursor at the end of the upper paragraph and hit return the proper number of times to get it to work.

    Your inserting tool doesn’t work with either setting (Word or Plain Text).

    Sometimes copying something from an external source and pasting causes the cursor to move upward because it deletes a line, and no text gets pasted.

    Copying and pasting only works on a new unpublished post or page. Once something is there, further copying and pasting acts crazy even if the text is from the same source.

    I’ve tried copying and pasting using Open Office and it has problems even if I use html or Microsoft Word settings. I’ve used Firefox as a browser and it still has some of the problems I described earlier using Safari 4 (Safari 4 is fully compliant to all web standards. It should work seamlessly with your software but it doesn’t).

    OK, I’m sure there are other things that are malfunctioning. I just can’t think of them now because I’m tired. I’ve been making corrections to this site for five hours today and I’ve had enough.

    Please let me know what can be done.

  5. Thank you for a very nice Theme WP ! I like it very much, even I do not know how to make new pages like as Menu. There were Home, About and Archive, I deleted it ( do not ask how, I have no Idea ) but how to make new pages and put the posts or categories in it- I feel very, very stupid. I tried to find how make good structure, but even on I didnt find any simple explanation. Could you suggest any , please.
    Ans, most important, I would like to send you more then 1$ for coffee, but in my ( stupied) countru there are no PayPal or something like that…Hope it wiil be and I will be able to send you !
    Best wishes for 2010 !

  6. Hallo Andreas,
    Das ist ein großartiges Thema und ich nutze es seit einem halben Jahr mit geringfügigen Adaptionen.
    Ich verwende die Beta 3a und bin bis jetzt eigentlich auf keine Fehler gekommen. Aus dem Changelog ergibt sich für mich auch keine Notwendigkeit zum updaten. Oder habe ich da was übersehen?
    Egal, Vielen Dank für diese tolle Arbeit!